The Jinni blog give Zombies 8 to 1... lots of good stuff in there. And I had to use this pic of Underworld vs. Planet Terror as a shoutout to a few of my personal faves. :)
Take a look at some of my favorite non-fiction-supporting lit centered around vampires.
I think one of the most entertaining to have crossed my line of vision lately has to be the tongue-in-cheek (or fang-in-jugular, as the case may be) Diana Laurence's
How to Catch and Keep a Vampire. Ms. Laurence also writes a few series of 'tasteful romantic fiction' which frequently star vampires. I love the 'girl power' attitude from page one--
Another interesting book, not so focused on the current trend, and a ligitimate entry of Lit-Crit would be
Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach. She focuses on the origins of the genre, the Byrons and Draculas, as well as the Lestats and Lost Boys.
"Ms. Auerbach implicitly rejects the Freudian and Jungian interpretations of these figures as either psychosexual metaphors or archetypes, preferring to see them in sociopolitical terms. But such interpretations need not be mutually exclusive.
There is, after all, more in vampire metaphors than meets any one mind's eye."
Absolutely! I'm gonna keep my eyes out for some more vampire related guide books. Stay tuned...