It's an interesting theory...
Thanks to my favorite vampire blogger over at Entertainment Weekly, Mandi Bierly, for bringing this interesting viewpoint to light this morning. Esquire suggests the the current vampire craze is driven by the urge young women have to have sex with gay men.
"Vampire fiction for young women is the equivalent of lesbian porn for men: Both create an atmosphere of sexual abandon that is nonthreatening. That's what everybody wants, isn't it? Sex that's dangerous and safe at the same time, risky but comfortable, gooey and violent but also traditional and loving. In the bedroom, we want to have one foot in the twenty-first century and another in the nineteenth." SourceWhile I don't entirely agree with this, I do see the continuity within this new class of gentleman vampires hitting the airwaves (Edward, Bill, Stefan, even Angel). They represent the forbidden, the outsider, and a physical representation of the danger of falling in love and possibly getting hurt. Gay men could also be an excellent stand-in for the non-threatening partner who allows the usually gun-shy heroine to develop into a sexual being by rewarding her to the power -- especially over a mythical, immortal creature. Talk about power.
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